Gift idea: For the Mr.

No, I don't have one. (A Mr., that is. But gift ideas? All day.)

But, I do date. And on top of the anxiety of a first date is always the anxiety of what exactly the fella is going to show up for the date ... wearing. (Yes, these are the things I stress over. So. sue. me.) Because, let's be honest.... some (er, most) fellas just don't get it.

Enter Trunk Club. It spares you having to trudge to the mall with the Mr. while he grumbles and whines because he hates shopping and ensures you he won't look like he's headed straight to the country club or (worse) the gym when you're going out in public together.

He speaks with a TC stylist -- who determines his style, what he needs, what items he searching for, etc. He/she pulls together a "trunk" of items and outfits that ship straight to Mr.'s doorstep where he tries on at home ... he keeps (and only pays for) the items he likes, ships back (for free) the items he does not.

Seriously - it's a win, win for you and him. And if you're interested ... email my friend Amanda askew[at]trunkclub[dot]com to hook your fella up.


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