Today I Love ...

So most of my best buddies are out of town this week. ☹ Bummer.

My two best gal pals are out of the country -- one in Curacao with her family, the other in Spain with her boyfriend. (Me, the one who is usually flying all over the place, actually got a month off from traveling – and I’ve needed it!) So, since the gals aren’t here …

Today I Love …

that Monday Night Football starts tonight!

Oh, yeah. I’m dead serious. My daddy raised me right. When I was growing up, we went to watch Crowley High School play football every Friday night. Then, on Sunday we went to church as a family and came home to watch the Dallas Cowboys play. What did I learn from this father-daughter bonding experience? That I L-O-V-E football.
L-O-V-E it.

So, yes, I’m the girl who’s in the den in front of the television with all of the guys while the gals are in the kitchen chatting at cookouts/get togethers. (I was peeling my eyes off of the TV on Saturday to have a few laughs with the girls.) Yes, it’s clearly ironic. I’m about as girly as they get. So what if I like sports … who says you have to play them to like them?

Since my heart is in college football (especially the SEC- need I repeat my favorite team?) I’m not super picky about any teams when it comes to the NFL. Basically, it’s all football to me. And I like to watch it. Period. ☺


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